Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Advanced Features of MS-Word

 Advanced Features of MS-Word

Q.1. How do you change the text case?

Q.2. How do you change the case after typing the text?

Q.3. What is the effect of sentence case?

Q.4. What is the difference between sentence case and capitalisation?

Q.5. What is the effect of Toggle Text?

Q.6. What is Drop Cap?

Q.7. How do you use Drop Cap?

Q.8. What are the features of Drop Cap?

Q.9. What is indenting a paragraph?

Q.10. What is left indentation?

Q.11. What options are present in the paragraph dialog box?

Q.12. Which command is used to left indent?

Q.13. What is line spacing in a paragraph?

Q.14. How to adjust spacing between two lines of the document?

Q.15. What is a paragraph?

Q.16. How can we distance between two paragraphs?

Q.17. Which options are available to set tabs?

Q.18. MS-Word places tabs every _________ inch across the page between the left and right margins?

Q.19. How do you move a tab?

Q.20. How do you add borders to text?

Q.21. How can you create a light horizontal line?

Q.22. How can you add borders to a page?

Q.23. How do you give shades to text?

Q.24. How do you create a bulleted numbered list?

Q.25. What is a format painter?

Q.26. How do you apply format painter?

Q.27. What is a header and footer?

Q.28. What are the contents of header and footer?

Q.29. How do you add a header and footer in an MS-Word document?

Q.30. How to add page numbers?

Q.31. How do you remove page numbers?

Q.32. What is a Page break?

Q.33. How do you insert a page break?

Q.34. What is the command to insert a page break?

Q.35. How do you delete a page break?

Q.36. What is the default size of a page in MS-Word?

Q.37. What are the steps to change page orientation?

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