Showing posts with label interjections. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interjections. Show all posts

Saturday, February 4, 2023



An interjection is a word of exclamation.

After an interjection, we add a mark of exclamation (!).

Examples :
  1. Hush! the baby is asleep.
  2. Help! He is drowning.
  3. Hellp! How are you?
  4. Bravo! You have played well.
Some Interjections
  1. Hurrah! expresses joy.
    Example : Hurrah! We have won the match.

  2. Bravo! expresses appreciation when someone has done something well.
    Example : Bravo! You have played well.

  3. Yuck! (or yuk!) expresses extreme dislike.
    Example : Milk and bread! Yuck! I can't have that for food.

  4. Hellp! expresses greeting someone.
    Example : Hellp! Vasu! How are you?

  5. Alas! expresses sadness.
    Example : Alas! I am ruined!

  6. Oh! expresses surprise, fear, etc.
    Example : Oh! how dangerous!

  7. Help!! expresses fear.
    Example : Help! He is wounded.

  8. Wow! expresses surprise and admiration.
    Example : Wow! What a lovely party!

  9. Hush! expresses silence or less noise.
    Example : Hush! Do not talk in the library.

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